MT29F32G08CBABAWC-IT:A 产品概述 制造商IC编号 MT29F32G08CBABAWC-IT:A 厂牌 MICRON/美光 IC 类别 FLASH-NAND IC代码 4GX8 NAND MLC 产品详情 脚位/封装 TSOP 外包装 无铅/环保 无铅/环保 电压(伏) 2.7v-3.6v 温度规格 Extended (–40°C to +85°C) (AKA ET) 速度 标准包装数量 标准外箱 潜在应用 Number Of Words 4G Bit Organization x8 Density 32G Generation Feature Set 2nd set of device features (rev only if different than 1st set) Package Material Pb-free Speed Grade Async only Classification 1-1-1-1 (Die-nCE-RnB-IO Channels) Design Revision A Interface Async only Production Status Production Level MLC-2